Want to “tap in” positive phrases? Do this. It is based on John Diamond’s (pre-EFT) book “Life Energy”. He assigned certain characteristics to specific energy meridians, and the wording refers to that. Use a loose fist or bunched-together fingertips to tap on the middle of the chest.
MIDDLE OF CHEST: I have love, faith, trust, gratitude, and courage
EYEBROW: I am in harmony, I am in peace
SIDE OF EYE: I reach out with love
UNDER EYE: I am content, I am tranquil
UNDER NOSE: I am standing tall and overcoming any problem
CHIN: I am clear, centered, and secure
COLLARBONE: My sexual energies are balanced
UNDER ARM: I have faith and confidence in my future
RIB (below breasts): I am happy, I have good fortune, I am cheerful
THUMB: I am humble, I am tolerant, I am modest
INDEX FINGER: I am basically pure and good. I am worthy of being loved.
MIDDLE FINGER: I renounce the past. I am generous. I am relaxed.
LITTLE FINGER: I have forgiveness in my heart.
KARATE CHOP: I am jumping with joy
GAMUT SPOT: I am safe. I am light and boyant
MIDDLE OF CHEST: I have love, faith, trust, gratitude, and courage
Let me know how that goes!