Missing Mother

Releasing the Pain of Childhood Abandonment, Neglect, and Rejection

Free eBook

How to Heal Childhood Abandonment and Rejection

with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
by Carna Zacharias-Miller

If you had a physically or emotionally “MIssing Mother” in your childhood, this easy to follow, step-by-step workbook will help you release negative emotions that stand in the way of your happiness.
EFT, a gentle tapping technique that aligns the body’s energy system, is a highly effective method (not clinically proven). If you are not familiar with EFT, my book will teach you how to do it.

Working with this book will
• Help release the emotional charge of longstanding, painful childhood emotions
• Give you the wording for your tapping sessions
• Encourage you to find your specific issues so you can go deeper
• Help create -often very powerful- cognitive shifts
• Help you feel better, lighter, more positive and in control of your life

To get your free PDF file of this eBook, please write an e-mail to carnazm@msn.com